
East Norway Jazz Centre (ENJC) is the regional centre for jazz music in Eastern Norway, geographically covering the counties of Oslo, Akershus, Buskerud, Østfold and Innlandet. ENJC include a number of 30 jazz clubs, 60 big bands, 5 festivals and more than 450 professional musicians as active members within the region.

Our main activities are focused on coordinating and initializing jazz activity within the region, as well as working politically to improve general working and operating conditions for our members. Though our main interest lies within stimulating organisers and others to increase the jazz activity on a local scale, ENJC also initialize and arrange own projects (ensembles, concerts, tours), as well as arrange seminars for musicians, big bands and organisers.
Along with the coordinating task goes working with general information on jazz matters towards media, politicians, members of the organisation and others.

The centre’s administration is located in Oslo. Oslo is also the city where our main performing venues for live jazz music are situated, represented by the jazz clubs Victoria Nasjonal jazzscene, Blå, Cosmopolite/Belleville, Kafé Hærverk, Improverk, New Orleans Workshop Jazzclub, Oslo jazzforum, Konsertforeninga, Kampenjazz, Jazz på Kampen, Fritt Fall and Dans for voksne – together with Oslo jazz festival, Oslo World, Blow Out-festivalen and the All Ears Festival for Improvised Music.

ENJC is an inclusive organization, as described in our Code of ethics. All violations should be reported to your immediate superior to to the general manager post(a)ostnorskjazzsenter.no / 0047 2200 5628.

ENJC is a member of Europe Jazz network

Please visit our website www.jazzinoslo.no where you’ll find information on jazz concerts in Oslo.

Phone: 0047 2200 5628


Østnorsk jazzsenter, org.no/vat: 880 349 392
IBAN: NO5551220583949
Name and address of bank: DNB, P.O.box 1600 Sentrum, N-0021 Oslo, Norway

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