PLAY GROUND taps into the Norwegian music scene to listen in on how music as an everyday activity can create sustainable structures to address local and global challenges, such as migration and health. Join these two digital lectures to learn more about how to involve and include children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and how to share and experience the power and pleasure of making music.

Wednesday May 5th 10am – 12 noon CEST:

  • Community Music therapy in child welfare work – bridging provision, protection and participation Viggo Krüger, Associate Professor, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Music, Health and Policy Ole Kristian Einarsen, PhD candidate Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Q&A Rachel Louis, Producer, Bergen International Festival, Norway
Thursday May 6th 10am – 12 noon CEST:
  • Fargespill (Kaleidoscope) – bringing music from the world to Bergen and Norway Ole Hamre, Artistic Director, and Irene Kinunda Afriyie, Artistic Consultant, Kaleidoscope/Fargespill, Norway
  • Q&A Rachel Louis, Producer, Bergen International Festival, Norway

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Participation is free of charge.

This data is collected by East Norway Jazz Centre (Østnorsk jazzsenter) – and will not be shared with any third party. All personal data will be deleted by the end of May 2021.

PLAY GROUND is a European cooperative project dedicated to the organization and improvement of music projects with children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. PLAY GROUND is organised by Handelsbeurs Concert Hall (BE), Banlieues Bleues (FR), TAM Tutta un’Altra Musica (IT), Jazz in The Park / Fapte (RO) and East Norway Jazz Centre (NO), and is supported by Creative Europe.

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Jazzkurs 2024 er i gang!

23 unge musikere fra hele landet møtes til Jazzkurs i regi av Kråkstad Jazz og Østnorsk jazzsenter.